Minutes of the HACTAC Jan 18, 2023


Attendance:  Alan Budkofsky, Zenobia Graham-Days, Charles Jackson, Richard Ostop, Brenda Saulnier

Absent:  Matt Skane, Andrea Seldon, William Stephenson, Candace Fisher, Claudette Miller, Roger Goldbeck Patricia Bruhn, David Raney,

Guest: Karen Handville, Recording Secretary

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm


A motion was made by Alan and second by Brenda to accept the May 18, 2022 minutes as presented.  Motion passed.  

Treasurer’s Report:

See Attached.  Charles provided and went over the reports. Since our last meeting there was one debit for secretarial services. Check #1848 on 06/14/2022 was cashed for the amount of $325.00 paid to Karen Handville.

As of today, the end of year checking balance remains $6,426.75.

HACTAC has 2 Certificates of deposits, one 12 month and one 11-month accounts.

The combined 01/2022 starting balance was $11,143.47

The combined 12/31/2022 ending balance is $11,150.90

Total year end interest paid to the two HACTAC CDs collectively yielded a total of $7.43.

The annual Comcast payment of $2,000 has been received.

The deposit will be reflected in the January 2023 bank statement.

A motion was made by Alan and second by Roger to accept the 2022 Treasurer’s reports subject to audit.  Motion passed.

Town Reports

Simsbury: Karen reported that tomorrow evening will be the ribbon cutting for the newly renovated SCM studio. 

Windsor: Charles reported the winter afterschool program for middle schoolers is starting. Kid Vid registration opens Feb 1st. PEGPETIA grant will focus on finishing the fiber project. Fiber is run, still need encoders and switch. Will upgrade to a new server.

West Hartford: Roger reported that this is a very busy time because of additional special Zoning meetings and Martin Luther King Day Celebration activities. Jen is not at tonight’s meeting because there are three sporting events tonight.

Bloomfield: Alan reported all quiet in Bloomfield. Zenobia added all is well.

East Hartford: No report.

Hartford: No report.

Chairman’s Report:  Dick brought up whether we would consider an in-person meeting and the concern of Covid, and RSV was raised, and it was agreed to wait and consider meeting in-person again in the spring or summer.

COMCAST: No report.

Statewide Advisory Council: Alan indicated they have also had very little participation in in-person meetings and most prefer via Zoom.

Old Business: None

New Business: Charles will find out how HACTAC can set-up a payment method and open a Zoom account. He would like to set-up a method to streamline the payment processes.

At this point in the meeting, the Zoom ended. Some members had logged into tonight’s free Zoom early and therefore took time away from our allotted meeting time.

Karen restarted the meeting and Alan, Charles, Dick & Zenobia rejoined. It was agreed to move forward with a paid Zoom account for the next meeting on March 15th.

The group has received two resignations from members Candace Fisher and Claudette Miller. A motion was made by Zenobia and second by Alan to accept their resignations. Motion passed. Dick has sent letters to West Hartford and East Hartford to remind them to replace their members.

Adjournment:  As there was no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Alan and second by Charles to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting, date TBD, will be via Zoom at 7:00 pm. Karen will send out an email to poll everyone to be sure we have a quorum, so please respond.


Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council

May 1, 2022 – May 31, 2022

Webster Bank Checking Account

Beginning Balance           $6,751.75

Deposits / Credits                   $0.00

Withdrawals / Debits           $00.00

 Ending Balance                $6,751.75


Certificate of Deposit

Account                            Maturity Date          Interest Paid This Period          Ending Balance

12 Month Certificate            09/04/2022                            $0.42                                      $5,111.13

11 Month Business CD         03/05/2023                             $0.25                                      $6,035.02


Total                                                                                         $0.67                                    $11,146.15

Prepared By:

_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} _______     _June 15th, 2022_

Charles Windsor Jackson, III                                                 Date


Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council

June 1, 2022 – June 30, 2022

Webster Bank Checking Account

Beginning Balance           $6,751.75

Withdrawals / Debits       - $325.00

 Ending Balance                $6,426.75

Check 1848 06/14/2022 Payment for HACTAC Staff Secretarial Services

Certificate of Deposit

Account                            Maturity Date          Interest Paid This Period          Ending Balance

12 Month Certificate            09/04/2022                            $0.43                                      $5,111.56

11 Month Business CD         03/05/2023                             $0.25                                     $6,035.27


Total                                                                                          $0.68                                    $11,146.83

Prepared By:

_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} _______     _July 15th, 2022_

Charles Windsor Jackson, III                                                 Date


Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council

July 1, 2022 – July 31, 2022

Webster Bank Checking Account

Beginning Balance           $6,426.75

Deposits / Credits                   $0.00

Withdrawals / Debits                 $00.00

 Ending Balance               $6,426.75

Certificate of Deposit

Account                            Maturity Date          Interest Paid This Period          Ending Balance

12 Month Certificate            09/04/2022                            $0.42                                      $5,111.98

11 Month Business CD         03/05/2023                            $0.25                                      $6,035.52


Total                                                                                          $0.67                                    $11,147.50

Prepared By:

_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} _______     _August 15th, 2022_

Charles Windsor Jackson, III                                                 Date


Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council

August 1, 2022 – August 31, 2022

Webster Bank Checking Account

Beginning Balance           $6,426.75

Deposits / Credits                   $0.00

Withdrawals / Debits          $00.00

 Ending Balance               $6,426.75

Certificate of Deposit

Account                            Maturity Date          Interest Paid This Period          Ending Balance

12 Month Certificate            09/04/2022                            $0.43                                      $5,112.41

11 Month Business CD         03/05/2023                            $0.26                                      $6,035.78


Total                                                                                          $0.67                                    $11,148.19

Prepared By:

_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} _______     _September 15th, 2022_

Charles Windsor Jackson, III                                                 Date


Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council

September 1, 2022 – September 30, 2022

Webster Bank Checking Account

Beginning Balance           $6,426.75

Deposits / Credits                   $0.00

Withdrawals / Debits           $00.00

 Ending Balance               $6,426.75

Certificate of Deposit

Account                            Maturity Date          Interest Paid This Period          Ending Balance

12 Month Certificate            09/04/2023                            $0.44                                      $5,112.85

11 Month Business CD         03/05/2023                            $0.25                                      $6,036.03


Total                                                                                          $0.69                                    $11,148.88

Prepared By:

_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} _______     _October 15th, 2022_

Charles Windsor Jackson, III                                                 Date

Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council

October 1, 2022 – October 31, 2022

Webster Bank Checking Account

Beginning Balance           $6,426.75

Deposits / Credits                   $0.00

Withdrawals / Debits           $00.00

 Ending Balance               $6,426.75

Certificate of Deposit

Account                            Maturity Date          Interest Paid This Period          Ending Balance

12 Month Certificate            09/04/2023                            $0.42                                      $5,113.27

11 Month Business CD         03/05/2023                            $0.25                                      $6,036.28


Total                                                                                          $0.67                                    $11,149.55

Prepared By:

_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} _______     _November 15th, 2022_

Charles Windsor Jackson, III                                                 Date


Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council

November 1, 2022 – November 30, 2022

Webster Bank Checking Account

Beginning Balance           $6,426.75

Deposits / Credits                   $0.00

Withdrawals / Debits           $00.00

 Ending Balance               $6,426.75

Certificate of Deposit

Account                            Maturity Date          Interest Paid This Period          Ending Balance

12 Month Certificate            09/04/2023                            $0.43                                      $5,113.70

11 Month Business CD         03/05/2023                            $0.26                                      $6,036.54


Total                                                                                          $0.69                                    $11,150.24

Prepared By:

_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} _______     _December 15th, 2022_

Charles Windsor Jackson, III                                                 Date

Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council

December 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022

Webster Bank Checking Account

Beginning Balance           $6,426.75

Deposits / Credits                   $0.00

Withdrawals / Debits           $00.00

 Ending Balance               $6,426.75

Certificate of Deposit

Account                            Maturity Date          Interest Paid This Period          Ending Balance

12 Month Certificate            09/04/2023                            $0.42                                      $5,114.12

11 Month Business CD         03/05/2023                            $0.24                                      $6,036.78


Total                                                                                          $0.66                                    $11,150.90

Prepared By

_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} _______     _January 15th, 2023_

Charles Windsor Jackson, III                                                 Date