Attend |
Absent |
(Comcast) |
860-505-3349 |
x |
Alan Budkofsky |
Bloomfield |
860-202-3077 |
x |
Candace Fisher |
West Hartford |
x |
Roger Goldbeck |
West Hartford |
860-521-0838 |
x |
Zenobia Graham-Days |
Bloomfield |
860-778-8383 |
x |
Charles Jackson |
Windsor |
860-604-9528 |
x |
Penny Leto |
Hartford |
860-232-6674 |
x |
Claudette Miller |
East Hartford |
860-528-1160 |
x |
Richard Ostop |
Simsbury |
860-658-2739 |
x |
Ken Picard |
Simsbury |
x |
David Raney |
Windsor |
860-668-2943 |
x |
Andrea Seldon |
Bloomfield |
860-243-0204 |
x |
Brenda Saulnier |
East Hartford |
860-528-4808 |
x |
William Stephenson |
Windsor |
x |
Jeffrey Stewart |
Hartford |
860-522-9050 |
x |
Jen Harwan |
Windsor TV |
Karen Handville |
Simsbury TV |
Jenny Evans |
West Hartford TV |
Howard Frydman |
Bloomfield TV |
Minutes of the HACTAC January 16, 2019
Penny Leto Claudette Miller
Alan Budkofsky Richard Ostop
Candace Fisher David Raney
Roger Goldbeck Andrea Seldon
Zenobia Graham-Days Brenda Saulnier
Charles Jackson William Stephenson
Ken Picard
Excused Absence:
Matt Skane Jeff Stewart
Howard Frydman Jen Harwan
Jen Evans Karen Handville
The annual holiday meeting was called to order at 6:50 pm
Note: All attachments referenced in these minutes are available either on mentioned e-mail addresses or at your public library; or questions to the DPUC may be addressed to peter.pescosolido@po.state.ct.us.
A motion was made by Roger Goldbeck and second by Ken Picard to accept the November minutes as presented. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
See Attached. A motion was made by Zenobia Graham-Days and second by Claudette Miller to accept the Nov./Dec. Treasurer’s report subject to audit. Motion passed.
Town Reports:
Town reports were tabled for this meeting.
East Hartford:
West Hartford:
NOTE:All complete reports appear in the DPUC reports available on-line from the DPUC. See below for e-mail address.
Committee Reports:
Frontier/State Advisory Council, (Video Advisory Council):
Legislative Committee Report:
Nothing to report.
Public Relations Committee Report:
Nothing to report.
Nominating Committee:
Nothing to report.
Chairman’s Report: Most memos concerning the DPUC are available on the web-site for the DPUC (www.state.ct.us/dpuc/database/htm)
See Attached.
Dick reported that on WTIC this morning there was a program called cut the cable. The program highlighted that a number of people are cancelling their cable subscriptions and signing up with other free or less expensive alternatives such as Netflex. Cable companies are loosing a large percentage of their customers according to the program.
Dick reported that several of the PEG Stations have approved using the lobbyist to represent them with the legislative to get the PegPetia grants funded again. At one point, the HACTAC Board was going to invite the legislators to a meeting to discuss reinstating the PegPetia funding. Dick felt that this is not completely off the table but will wait to see how the lobbyist make out when they meet with them before any meeting will take place.
HACTAC e-mail address: hactac.org
No written complaints received.
Old Business:
See Chairman’s report regarding information on lobbyist.
New Business:
Schedule 2018-2019:
Sept. 19, 2018 Simsbury Library 725 Hopmeadow St.,
October 17, 2018 Hartford, Veeder Place 20-28 Sargeant St.
November 28, 2018 West Hartford, Town Hall 50 South Main St.
December No Meeting
January 16, 2019 Holiday Meeting
February 20, 2019 East Hartford, Town Hall Basement, 740 Main St
March 20, 2019 Windsor – LP Wilson Community Center 599 Mantianuck Ave.
April 17, 2019 Bloomfield 330 Park St.
May 15, 2019 Hartford – Veeder Place 20-28 Sargeant St.
June 19, 2019 Comcast – 222 New Park Drive, Berlin
Adjournment: As there was no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Roger Goldbeck and second by Alan Budkofsky to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm.
Next Meeting and Location:
The next meeting will be in East Hartford on February 20, 2019 starting at 7:00 pm.