HACTAC MEETING January 20, 2021
Attendance Sheet
Present |
Alternate |
Absent |
Matt Skane |
Comcast |
Matt_Skane@comcast.com |
860-505-3349 |
x |
Alan Budkofsky |
Bloomfield |
abudkofskycommittee@outlook.com |
860-202-3077 |
X |
Patricia Bruhn |
Windsor |
peb65peb@yahoo.com |
860 916-8371 |
X |
Candace Fisher |
West Hartford |
qfq118@hotmail.com |
860-670-0442 |
X |
Roger Goldbeck |
West Hartford |
Goldbeck54@gmail.com |
860-521-0838 |
X |
Zenobia Graham-Days |
Bloomfield |
zgrahamd@gmail.com |
860-778-8383 |
X |
Charles Jackson |
Windsor |
extracreditcstudent@gmail.com |
860-604-9528 |
X |
Claudette Miller |
East Hartford |
wcmiller91@aol.com |
860-528-1160 |
X |
Richard Ostop |
Simsbury |
marshalreo@sbcglobal.net |
860-658-2739 |
X |
David Raney |
Windsor |
raneyda@comcast.net |
860-752-8365 |
X |
Brenda Saulnier |
East Hartford |
safirerose@att.net |
860-528-4808 |
X |
Andrea Seldon |
Bloomfield |
absdst75@gmail.com |
860-243-0204 |
x |
William Stephenson |
Windsor |
billtech@comcast.net |
860-668-5075 |
x |
Karen Handville |
Minutes of the HACTAC January 20, 2021
Attendance: Alan Budkofsky, Patricia Bruhn, Candace Fisher, Roger Goldbeck, Zenobia Graham-Days, Charles Jackson, Claudette Miller, Richard Ostop, David Raney, Brenda Saulnier
Station Managers: Karen Handville
The meeting was called to order at 6:01 pm.
A motion was made by David Raney and second by Claudette Miller to accept the November minutes as presented. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Charles Jackson reported $2,000 Comcast check was deposited. December ending balance in checking is $3,319.17. 12-month CD earned 84 cents interest with an ending balance of $5,100.08. 11-month CD earned 99 cents interest with an ending balance of $6,027.01. Total of $11,127.09 in CDs. A motion was made by Alan Budkofsky and second by David Raney to accept the Treasurer’s report subject to audit. Motion passed. There was a discussion about investing the money in the CDs in some other way, but it was agreed to leave it alone at this time.
Town Reports:
Bloomfield: Alan reported all things are moving along in the BATV move. New equipment at town hall is up and running. Having a satellite dish problem.
East Hartford: Brenda reported that she met with the two employees at the station and they are doing what they can, but things are quiet. No changes. Mostly covering town meetings.
Hartford: No report. Dick did speak with Ex Dir. Gil Martinez regarding a HACTAC member needed. There is no interest currently.
Simsbury: Karen reported that SCTV mailed out their annual fundraising letter in November and have received about $10,000 so far. Not much production happening, mostly town meetings and coverage of the MLK in CT Memorial dedication at the free library.
West Hartford: Roger reported WHCi produced the annual MLK programming, done remotely this year.
They have partnered with the Chamber of Commerce producing ‘Serving Up Support’ focused on local restaurant struggles during Covid; and ‘Colorful Conversations’ focused on minority owned small business struggles and PPP loan information.
A Simu-cast of the 14th Annual Climate Protection Awards as West Hartford was being honored. Work is being done on the annual report due Feb 15. Received $5,000 CT Cares Grant. Comcast and Frontier quarterly disbursements have been received.
A Vermont study regarding CATV funding is due next month; this is interesting to CT as our funding models are similar. Candace added how important this is as cable subscribers are dwindling.
Legislation to fund community access TV with internet subscribers was mentioned, perhaps contacting your representatives was talked about. Alan will check with the statewide council for info.
Windsor: Charles reported the 2020 Ollies were held Dec 27 after a delay. This recognizes WinTV and the Producers of the programs. Patricia reported that it was done like the Emmys, on their YouTube channel with digital thankyous to thank sponsors. There was a Facebook watch party and YouTube event.
Dec 30-31 they were off the air because of a lost signal resulting from a car accident.
No studio shoots, Zoom productions or producers sending in video. Staff working remotely and are in the studio briefly 2 days a week. Dave added their Annual meeting is next week.
COMCAST: no report
Committee Reports
Frontier/State Advisory Council: Nothing to report. Last meeting was November. Next meeting needs to elect officers.
Legislative Committee Report:
Nothing to report.
Public Relations Committee Report:
Nothing to report.
Nominating Committee:
Nothing to report.
Chairman’s Report: Have received a couple letters from Comcast Attorney to PURA re: channel changes. Received a Hosting CT bill for the website hosting. Received several calls from customers regarding the cost of cable going up.
Discussion of the administration of the HACTAC website ended with perhaps looking for a new person. Patricia needs to know about the back end first. Dick to contact Hosting CT.
Complaints: None
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Adjournment: As there was no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Alan and second by Dave to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 6:39 pm.
Next Meeting and Location:
The next meeting will be via Zoom on Feb 17 starting at 6:00 pm.
Schedule 2020-2021:
March 17, 2021
April 21, 2021
May 19, 2021
June 16, 2021
Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council
December 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Webster Bank Checking Account
Beginning Balance $3,319.17
Deposits / Credits $0.00
Withdrawals / Debits - $00.00
Ending Balance $3,319.17
Certificate of Deposit
Account Maturity Date Interest Paid This Period Ending Balance
12 Month Certificate 09/04/2021 $0.84 $5,100.08
11 Month Business CD 05/05/2021 $0.99 $6,027.01
Total $1.83 $11,127.09
Prepared By:
_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} _______ _January 15th, 2020_
Charles Windsor Jackson, III Date