Minutes of the HACTAC June 16, 2021
Attendance: Alan Budkofsky, Patricia Bruhn (late), Candace Fisher, Roger Goldbeck, Zenobia Graham-Days, Charles Jackson, Claudette Miller, Richard Ostop, Brenda Saulnier
Station Managers: Karen Handville, Jen Evans (late)
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.
A motion was made by Alan and second by Roger to accept the May minutes as presented. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
See Attached. Dick read the information from Charles’s report: No debits or credits the balance stays at $5,027.96. The two CD's interest together equals a whopping $1.83. Total CD balance to date $11,136.30. A motion was made by Claudette and second by Zenobia to accept the May Treasurer’s report subject to audit. Motion passed.
Town Reports
Bloomfield: Alan reported that sponsors of $100 and over are being thanked on the air. Schools have been out as there is no air conditioning in the classrooms. Zenobia added that she has received positive feedback regarding BATV.
East Hartford: Brenda reported not much going on at the station. BOE meetings will return to in-person meetings in September.
Hartford: No report.
Simsbury: Karen reported the live stream for the Graduation dropped out and will hope for improvements at the PAC for next year. BOE meetings have been in-person alternating between their meeting room and elementary schools. The town is considering hybrid meetings for the fall. Dick added that SCTV is running a calendar message to contact HACTAC for problems and other stations are encouraged to do the same. He mentioned that cable is out in Simsbury right now.
West Hartford: Roger read the notes from Jen: Both Graduations were lived streamed and are now re-airing. Saturday from 10 -3 will be a Juneteenth event that will be live streamed. An anti-vaping panel documentary to air next Thursday and Candace added they are soliciting videos from the community. Both BOE and Town Council meetings will go back to in-person beginning July 1.
Windsor: Patricia reported there will be a Juneteenth event on the town green on Saturday followed by concerts on the green in July. The Sage Park Middle School awards were live streamed. Thirty-five kids (half of normal) will begin the 6-week Kid Vid summer camp program starting Monday, so the studio will be closed until August.
Comcast: No report. Patricia mentioned not to use Firefox browser when using Xfinity on demand.
Committee Reports
Frontier/State Advisory Council: Alan reported they will be meeting next week.
Legislative Committee Report: Nothing to report.
Public Relations Committee Report: Nothing to report.
Nominating Committee: Nothing to report.
Chairman’s Report: Final decision for Docket 21-02-52 Annual Community Access Support Review was issued May 26 with nothing out of the ordinary. Access stations still need to file their annual report.
Complaints: Dick reported two in the last month that were directed to Matt who took care of them quickly.
Old Business: Confirmed no meetings for July and August. September meeting location still TBD. The minutes can be uploaded to the HACTAC website by Karen with no need for Hosting CT’s help or charges. Karen mentioned PURA’s EZ File system is not up and running.
New Business: Charles would like to produce something to give to the stations to promote HACTAC. He would like help. A Facebook page was discussed, which would need attention every day. Since complaints are not to be made public, the page could be informational only and direct people to the website. There was general agreement to go ahead with something.
Adjournment: As there was no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Roger and second by Alan to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 6:26 pm.
2021-2022 Meetings
September 15, 2021 TBD
October 20, 2021 TBD
November 17, 2021 TBD
December No meeting
January 19, 2022 TBD
Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council
August 1, 2021 – August 31, 2021
Webster Bank Checking Account
Beginning Balance $5,027.96
Deposits / Credits $0.00
Withdrawals / Debits $0.00
Ending Balance $5,027.96
Certificate of Deposit
Account Maturity Date Interest Paid This Period Ending Balance
12 Month Certificate 09/04/2021 $0.87 $5,106.87
11 Month Business CD 04/05/2022 $0.26 $6,032.76
Total $1.13 $11,139.63
Prepared By:
_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} _______ _September 15th, 2021_
Charles Windsor Jackson, III Date