Minutes of the HACTAC January 19, 2022
Attendance: Alan Budkofsky, Patricia Bruhn, Candace Fisher, Roger Goldbeck, Zenobia Graham-Days, Charles Jackson, Claudette Miller, Richard Ostop, David Raney, Brenda Saulnier
Absent: Andrea Seldon, William Stephenson
Station Managers: Jennifer Evans WHi
Guest: Karen Handville
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm
A motion was made by Alan and second by Candace to accept the November 2021 minutes as presented. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
See Attached. A motion was made by Alan and second by Roger to accept the Oct, Nov & Dec 2021 Treasurer’s report subject to audit. Motion passed.
Town Reports
Bloomfield: Alan reported that Howard has been creating Covid PSAs with new town Manager and Mayor and covering town meetings.
East Hartford: Brenda reported she has been meeting with the Station Manager as the Town of East Hartford will be renovating the town hall and the station will need to move; possibly June/July and looking at two community centers in town as the permanent new location. They would maintain one room in the town hall for meeting coverage. Alan added that the cost of moving Comcast, Frontier and CL&P lines for the Bloomfield move cost $30,000 and they should start planning now.
Hartford: No report
Simsbury: Karen reported that Patrick Fallon is the new Station Manager at SCM and is busy answering Interrogatories, filing the Annual Report and submitting a new PEGPETIA grant application. Dick added they are covering town meetings.
West Hartford: Jen reported from a live streaming hockey game: MLK event went virtual at the last minute – was well received but a lot of work, with many people coming together. Next week is Rivalry Week with High School basketball game coverage. Community Conversations live event with in-depth discussion of the MLK mural at the library. Ongoing Vaping project, now virtual – with three-hour training being offered. PEGPETIA application also.
Windsor: Charles reported per Jenny; a PEGPETIA application will be sent in next week focusing on streaming and field equipment. Received $7,000 from Town of Windsor Covid relief grant. Adult Education classes being offered virtually, hoping to bring in money lost to cable cutting. Six-week middle school production classes beginning next week. In studio production classes still on hold; Two studio productions have been done with fully masked crew.
COMCAST: No report
Chairman’s Report: Dick reported four submissions from Comcast Attorneys to PURA regarding price changes or channel changes. He received two complaints from Hartford customers regarding service or billing: Constance Erskine, Woodland St and Wm Donner Jacobson, Storical (sp) Rd. Dick forwarded to Matt and replied to the customers via snail mail – both letters were returned as undeliverable. Is working on the HACTAC Annual report; will need financials from Charles.
Most memos are available on the PURA website (https://portal.ct.gov/PURA/Docket/Docket-and-Document-Information)
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Schedule 2022
March 16, 2022, 6:30 pm Zoom
May 18, 2022, 6:30 pm Zoom
Adjournment: As there was no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Roger and second by Claudette to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 6:49 pm.
Next Meeting and Location:
The next meeting will be via Zoom on March 16, 2022, starting at 6:30 pm.
Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council
October 1, 2021 – October 31, 2021
Webster Bank Checking Account
Beginning Balance $4,782.96
Deposits / Credits $0.00
Withdrawals / Debits $0.00
Ending Balance $4,782.96
Certificate of Deposit
Account Maturity Date Interest Paid This Period Ending Balance
12 Month Certificate 09/04/2022 $0.42 $5,108.16
11 Month Business CD 04/05/2022 $0.24 $6,033.26
Total $0.66 Amended $11,141.42
Prepared By:
Charles Windsor Jackson, III November 15th, 2021
Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council
November 1, 2021 – November 30, 2021
Webster Bank Checking Account
Beginning Balance $4,782.96
Deposits / Credits $0.00
Withdrawals / Debits $0.00
Ending Balance $4,782.96
Certificate of Deposit
Account Maturity Date Interest Paid This Period Ending Balance
12 Month Certificate 09/04/2022 $0.43 $5,108.59
11 Month Business CD 04/05/2022 $0.26 $6,033.52
Total $0.69 $11,142.11
Prepared By:
Charles Windsor Jackson, III December 15th, 2021
Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council
December 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021
Webster Bank Checking Account
Beginning Balance $4,782.96
Deposits / Credits $0.00
Withdrawals / Debits $0.00
Ending Balance $4,782.96
Certificate of Deposit
Account Maturity Date Interest Paid This Period Ending Balance
12 Month Certificate 09/04/2022 $0.42 $5,109.01
11 Month Business CD 04/05/2022 $0.25 $6,033.77
Total $0.67 $11,142.78
Prepared By:
Charles Windsor Jackson, III January 15th, 2022