HACTAC Zoom MEETING Jan 17, 2024
Attendance Sheet
Present |
Alternate |
Absent |
Mngr, Gov & Reg Affairs Comcast W NE |
Matt_Skane@comcast.com |
860-414-5066 |
X |
Alan Budkofsky |
Bloomfield |
abudkofskycommittee@outlook.com |
860-202-3077 |
X |
Windsor |
peb65peb@yahoo.com |
860 916-8371 |
X |
West Hartford |
Goldbeck54@gmail.com |
860-521-0838 |
X |
Zenobia Graham-Days |
Bloomfield |
zgrahamd@gmail.com |
860-778-8383 |
X |
Charles Jackson |
Windsor |
extracreditcstudent@gmail.com |
860-604-9528 |
X |
Richard E. Ostop |
Simsbury |
richardeostop@gmail.com |
860-202-5107 |
X |
Windsor |
raneyda@comcast.net |
860-752-8365 |
X |
Brenda Saulnier |
East Hartford |
safirerose@att.net |
860-528-4808 |
X |
Andrea Seldon |
Bloomfield |
absdst75@gmail.com |
860-243-0204 |
X |
William Stephenson |
Windsor |
billtech@comcast.net |
860-668-5075 |
X |
Karen Handville |
HACTAC recording secretary |
khandville@gmail.com |
Minutes of the HACTAC Jan 17, 2024
Attendance via Zoom: Alan Budkofsky, Patricia Bruhn, Zenobia Graham-Days, Charles Jackson, David Raney, Brenda Saulnier
Absent: Matt Skane, Roger Goldbeck, Richard Ostop, Andrea Seldon, and William Stephenson
Guest: Karen Handville, Recording Secretary
Alan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
A motion was made by Patty and second by Dave to accept the Nov 15, 2023 minutes as presented. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
See Attached. Charles provided this summary:
2 CDs approx. 11K made 25 cents interest.
Would like to move money to a higher interest account with the advice of a bank representative. Charles will invite someone to the next meeting to discuss options.
Alan stated when the 11-month CD matures on 2/5 to move the money into the checking account.
Charles is expecting the annual check from Comcast, usually delivered to Dick. Alan will talk to Matt to set up a direct deposit.
The Checking Acct Balance of $7,311.74 is same as last month.
A motion was made by Dave and seconded by Alan to accept the Treasurer’s report subject to audit. Motion passed.
The HACTAC website is currently down.
After some discussion Patty made the motion seconded by Dave to have HostingCT fix the HACTAC website spending no more than $500.
Patty & Karen will take a look to see if the software can be updated first. If that doesn’t help, Karen will get the site fixed.
Comcast: no report
Town Reports
Bloomfield: Alan/Zenobia reported nothing notable happening at BATV.
Windsor: Patricia reported Kidvid summer program registration opens Feb 1. A 6-week program for kids 8 to15. This is their 16th year.
WinTV is in their final weeks of Comcast Fiber upgrade installation.
They are busy with community events and new studio shows.
East Hartford: Brenda reported EHCT is still located in the makeshift closet in the community center. The town Hall renovation is taking longer than anticipated. The hope is to stay at the community center once the town employees return to Town Hall. Coverage of live meetings (except BOE Meetings) is still being done even though the cabling for broadcast has been disturbed at Town Hall; which Chuck needs to address weekly.
Simsbury: no report
West Hartford: no report
Hartford: no report.
Statewide Advisory Council: Alan reported the most recent discussions have been about increased funding for public access channels.
Chairman’s Report: None
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Adjournment: As there was no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Charles and second by Brenda to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:17 pm.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting via Zoom, on March 20, 2024 at 7:00 pm.
Treasurer’s Report
November 1, 2023 – November 30, 2023
Webster Bank Checking Account
Beginning Balance $7,311.74
Deposits / Credits $0.00
Withdrawals / Debits -$00.00
Ending Balance $7,311.74
Certificate of Deposit
Account Maturity Date Interest Paid This Period Ending Balance
12 Month Certificate 09/04/2024 $0.00 $5,118.00*
11 Month Business CD 02/05/2024 $0.26 $6,039.56
Total $0.25 $11,157.56
*No interest Recorded from Bank
Prepared By:
_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} ________December 15th, 2023_
Charles Windsor Jackson, III
Treasurer’s Report
December 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023
Webster Bank Checking Account
Beginning Balance $7,311.74
Deposits / Credits $0.00
Withdrawals / Debits -$00.00
Ending Balance $7,311.74
Certificate of Deposit
Account Maturity Date Interest Paid This Period Ending Balance
12 Month Certificate 09/04/2024 $0.13 $5,118.13*
11 Month Business CD 02/05/2024 $0.24 $6,039.80**
Total $0.25 $11,157.93
*1st interest Recorded from Bank in 2 months
** Maturity Date expiration upcoming
Prepared By:
_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} ________January 15th, 2024_
Charles Windsor Jackson, III