Minutes of the HACTAC Sept 20, 2023
Attendance via Zoom: Alan Budkofsky, Patricia Bruhn, Zenobia Graham-Days, Roger Goldbeck, Charles Jackson, David Raney, Brenda Saulnier
Absent: Richard Ostop, Andrea Seldon, William Stephenson, Matt Skane
Guest: Karen Handville, Recording Secretary
Alan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Treasurer’s Report:
See Attached. Charles provided this summary:
Starting; Checking Account Balance May 1, 2023, $8,235.54
Ending; Checking Account Balance Aug 31, 2023, $7,361.74
Check #1851 Florist Payment Get Well and thank you flowers for former Chairman, Richard Ostop
Check #1852 Florist Payment Condolence flowers for Jennifer Evans, West Hartford Advisory Member
Check #1853 Payment to Karen Handville for secretarial and webmaster services $760.00
Certificates of Deposits
Starting May 1st Balance $11,154.27
Ending August 31st Balance $11,156.32
Overall Interest Gained $2.05 interest rates 0.1% 12 month 0.05% 11 month YTD $5.42
In July Webster changed its mailed statements and online user interfaces
July's Statement was broken down into 2 individual statements 7/1 - 7/23 & 7/24 - 7/31
August's statement from Webster covers 7/24 - 8/31
Standard reporting dates will resume for the September period.
Everyone agreed that we should look for a CD with a higher interest rate. Charles will gather info and email it out.
Zenobia has agreed to be a co-signer on the account.
A motion was made by Roger and seconded by Dave to accept the Treasurer’s report subject to audit. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Roger and second by Dave to accept the May 17, 2023 minutes as presented. Motion passed.
Alan motioned to table any action towards Dick Ostop’s resignation. Roger seconded. Motion passed.
Town Reports
Bloomfield: Alan reported Howard is working with the seniors and the PEGPETIA grant.
Simsbury: Karen reported Patrick is working on purchasing with the PEGPETIA grant funding, local election, and hosting some interns.
East Hartford: Brenda reported renovations at the town hall still has EHTV at the Cultural Center. The BOE has broken ties with the station, purchased their own equipment and is streaming to YouTube.
West Hartford: Roger reported besides covering all the regular meetings; BOE, Town Council, Zoning and Planning, WHCi will have Candidate Profiles, and other Election programming with League of Women Voters. There was live streaming of multiple Rosh Hashanah services, a Ballot & Beyond show with the new Town Clerk, coverage of most sporting events – some live, and Vision Zero a focus on pedestrian and bicycle safety on the roadways.
Windsor: Patricia reported the KidVid program successfully finished up. Working on a Shad Derby documentary for the 75th Anniversary.
Hartford: No report.
Statewide Advisory Council: Alan reported they did not have a quorum to hold a meeting. The most recent discussions have been about taxes or fees for Internet subscribers.
Chairman’s Report: None
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Adjournment: As there was no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Roger and second by Dave to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 pm.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting may be via Zoom, on November 15 at 7:00 pm.
Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council
May 1, 2023 – May 31, 2023
Webster Bank Checking Account
Beginning Balance $8,235.54
Deposits / Credits $00.00
Withdrawals / Debits $00.00
Ending Balance $8,235.54
Certificate of Deposit
Account Maturity Date Interest Paid This Period Ending Balance
12 Month Certificate 09/04/2023 $0.42 $5,116.24
11 Month Business CD 02/05/2024 $0.24 $6,038.03
Total $0.66 $11,154.27
Prepared By:
_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} _______ _June 15th, 2023_
Charles Windsor Jackson, III Date
Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council
June 1, 2023 – June 30, 2023
Webster Bank Checking Account
Beginning Balance $8,235.54
Deposits / Credits $00.00
Withdrawals / Debits -$113.80
*check 1851 Flowers w/o delivery $56.90 Richard (Simsbury)
*check 1852 Flowers w/o delivery $56.90 Jennifer (West Hartford)
Ending Balance $8,121.74
Certificate of Deposit
Account Maturity Date Interest Paid This Period Ending Balance
12 Month Certificate 09/04/2023 $0.43 $5,116.67
11 Month Business CD 02/05/2024 $0.26 $6,038.29
Total $0.69 $11,154.96
Prepared By:
_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} _______ _July 15th, 2023_
Charles Windsor Jackson, III Date
Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council
July 1, 2023 – July 23, 2023
Webster Bank Checking Account
Beginning Balance $8,121.74
Deposits / Credits $00.00
Withdrawals / Debits -$760.00
*check 1853 Karen Handville Payment for secretarial services (last payment 5/2022)
Ending Balance $7,361.74
Certificate of Deposit
Account Maturity Date Interest Paid This Period Ending Balance
12 Month Certificate 09/04/2023 $0.42 $5,117.09
11 Month Business CD 02/05/2024 $0.25 $6,038.54
Total $0.67 $11,155.63
Prepared By:
____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} _______ _August 15th, 2023_
Charles Windsor Jackson, III Date
Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council
July 23, 2023 – July 31, 2023
Webster Bank Checking Account
Beginning Balance $7,361.74
Deposits / Credits $00.00
Withdrawals / Debits -$00.00
Ending Balance $7,361.74
Certificate of Deposit
Account Maturity Date Interest Paid This Period Ending Balance
12 Month Certificate 09/04/2023 $0.42 $5,117.09
11 Month Business CD 02/05/2024 $0.25 $6,038.54
Total $0.67 $11,155.63
Prepared By:
_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} _______ _August 15th, 2023_
Charles Windsor Jackson, III Date
Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council
August 1, 2023 – August 31, 2023
***(July 24-August 31, 2023 Webster Bank statement dates)***
Webster Bank Checking Account
Beginning Balance $7,361.74
Deposits / Credits $00.00
Withdrawals / Debits -$00.00
Ending Balance $7,361.74
Certificate of Deposit
Account Maturity Date Interest Paid This Period Ending Balance
12 Month Certificate 09/04/2023 $0.44 $5,117.53
11 Month Business CD 02/05/2024 $0.25 $6,038.79
Total $0.69 $11,156.32
Prepared By:
_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} __ _September 15th, 2023_
Charles Windsor Jackson, III Date