HACTAC MEETING April 21, 2021
Attendance Sheet
Present |
Alternate |
Absent |
Matt Skane |
Comcast |
Matt_Skane@comcast.com |
860-505-3349 |
x |
Alan Budkofsky |
Bloomfield |
abudkofskycommittee@outlook.com |
860-202-3077 |
x |
Patricia Bruhn |
Windsor |
peb65peb@yahoo.com |
860 916-8371 |
x |
Candace Fisher |
West Hartford |
qfq118@hotmail.com |
860-670-0442 |
x |
Roger Goldbeck |
West Hartford |
Goldbeck54@gmail.com |
860-521-0838 |
x |
Zenobia Graham-Days |
Bloomfield |
zgrahamd@gmail.com |
860-778-8383 |
x |
Charles Jackson |
Windsor |
extracreditcstudent@gmail.com |
860-604-9528 |
x |
Claudette Miller |
East Hartford |
wcmiller91@aol.com |
860-528-1160 |
x |
Richard Ostop |
Simsbury |
marshalreo@sbcglobal.net |
860-658-2739 |
x |
David Raney |
Windsor |
raneyda@comcast.net |
860-752-8365 |
x |
Brenda Saulnier |
East Hartford |
safirerose@att.net |
860-528-4808 |
x |
Andrea Seldon |
Bloomfield |
absdst75@gmail.com |
860-243-0204 |
x |
William Stephenson |
Windsor |
billtech@comcast.net |
860-668-5075 |
x |
Karen Handville |
Jennifer Evans |
West Hartford Community interactive |
Minutes of the HACTAC April 21, 2021
Attendance: Alan Budkofsky, Patricia Bruhn, Candace Fisher, Roger Goldbeck, Zenobia Graham-Days, Charles Jackson, Claudette Miller, Richard Ostop, David Raney and Brenda Saulnier
Station Managers: Jennifer Evans, Karen Handville
The meeting was called to order at 6:01pm.
A motion was made by Alan and second by Roger to accept the January minutes as presented. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
See Attached. A motion was made by Alan and second by Dave to accept the Treasurer’s report subject to audit. Motion passed. There was some additional discussion regarding the HACTAC website, the need for and the costs associated with.
Town Reports
Bloomfield: Alan reported that BATV has new streaming and VOD services. They have been producing CoVid information programming and help information for seniors and social services. Recording the BOE Harlem Renaissance program a couple times a month.
East Hartford: Brenda reported much is still the same at the station. Town meetings are still via Zoom and not a lot of new stuff.
Hartford: No report. Dick reported that Gil was interested in trying to reinvigorate the legislation that would give HD channels to the access stations. Jen added that Comcast offered West Hartford the trade of one HD channel and one SD channel for the three currently in place. Massachusetts stations are given HD channels with no negotiating needed. Alan stated that Bolton has HD but Jen added that they did sacrifice a channel. The question was raised if a switch were made to the higher-level HD tier would all Comcast customers be able to watch Public Access TV without the lower channels. Brenda added that it is too late for this legislative session and would need to be discussed before the next session.
Simsbury: Karen reported that SCTV Annual Report was filed in February. Town meetings are still virtual doing about 30 meetings a month.
West Hartford: Roger reported per Jen that the town is going to hybrid meetings; both Zoom and in person. WHCi is partnering with the town for an anti-vaping project. Memorial Day parade is cancelled but working with the veterans to cover the ceremony. Both graduations will be held in person. Expanding sports coverage with potential permanent cameras in the gym.
Windsor: Charles reported that the KidVid summer program will be reduced capacity from 15 to 8 students for safety. June 1 will bring full summer hours Mon – Thurs 10-5. There will be no studio productions until September. Still doing field production and very busy with Zoom, which will continue going forward. Working on a mini documentary with the Tobacco Museum about a movie made in the 1960’s.
COMCAST: no report
Frontier/State Advisory Council: Alan reported their meeting is tomorrow.
Chairman’s Report: Dick mentioned that Karen asked about the cost of Comcast services to the Access stations. Including the inclusion of taxes being charged even though SCTV is a 501c3. The discussion mentioned getting a refund and asking the Attorney General. Dick sent that question to Matt and he will share his response to all.
Complaints: Dick report any minor complaints received were forwarded to Matt and were taken care of in a timely manner.
Old Business: After the last weather episode that dropped cable services, it was mentioned that credit from Comcast, Frontier (and Eversource) is available on request.
New Business: Dick reminded everyone to please respond to emails regarding upcoming meetings to be sure we have a quorum.
Schedule 2021:
May 19, 2021 Zoom
June 16, 2021 TBD
September 15, 2021 TBD
October 20, 2021 TBD
November 17, 2021 TBD
Adjournment: As there was no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Alan and second by Dave to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 6:31pm.
Next Meeting and Location:
The next meeting will be via Zoom on May 19 starting at 6:00 pm.
Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council
March 1, 2021 – March 31, 2021
Webster Bank Checking Account
Beginning Balance $5,027.96
Deposits / Credits $0.00
Withdrawals / Debits $0.00
Ending Balance $5,027.96
Certificate of Deposit
Account Maturity Date Interest Paid This Period Ending Balance
12 Month Certificate 09/04/2021 $0.78 $5,102.59
11 Month Business CD 05/05/2021 $0.92 $6,029.98
Total $1.70 $11,132.57
Prepared By:
_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} _______ _April 15th, 2020_
Charles Windsor Jackson, III Date