HACTAC MEETING February 19, 2020
Attend |
Absent |
(Comcast) |
Matt_Skane@Comcast.com |
860-505-3349 |
Alan Budkofsky |
Bloomfield |
abudkofskycommittee@outlook.com |
860-202-3077 |
x |
Candace Fisher |
West Hartford |
QFQ118@hotmail.com |
860-670-0442 |
x |
Roger Goldbeck |
West Hartford |
Goldbeck54@gmail.com |
860-521-0838 |
x |
Zenobia Graham-Days |
Bloomfield |
zgrahamd@gmail.com |
860-778-8383 |
x |
Charles Jackson |
Windsor |
extracreditcstudent@gmail.com |
860-604-9528 |
x |
Claudette Miller |
East Hartford |
wcmiller91@aol.com |
860-528-1160 |
x |
Richard Ostop |
Simsbury |
marshalreo@sbcglobal.net |
860-658-2739 |
x |
Ken Picard |
Simsbury |
kenpicard@comcast.net |
860-651-4320 |
x |
David Raney |
Windsor |
raneyda@comcast.net |
860-668-2943 |
x |
Andrea Seldon |
Bloomfield |
absdst75@gmail.com |
860-243-0204 |
x |
Brenda Saulnier |
East Hartford |
safirerose@att.net |
860-528-4808 |
x |
William Stephenson |
Windsor |
billtech@comcast.net |
860-668-5075 |
x |
Patricia Bruhn |
Windsor |
Peb65peb@yahoo.com |
860 916-8371 |
x |
Karen Handville |
simtv@yahoo.com |
860 658-1720 |
Jenny Hawran |
Win TV |
jenny.h@win-tv.org |
860 688-2626 |
Minutes of the HACTAC February 19, 2020
Alan Budkofsky Richard Ostop
Candice Fisher David Raney
Roger Goldbeck Brenda Saulnier
Zenobia Graham-Days Bill Stephenson
Charles Jackson Patricia Bruhn
Claudette Miller
Excused Absence:
Station Managers:
Karen Handville
Jenny Hawran
The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm
Note: All attachments referenced in these minutes are available either on mentioned e-mail addresses or at your public library; or questions to PURA may be addressed to peter.pescosolido@po.state.ct.us.
A motion was made by Alan and second by Dave to accept the January minutes as presented. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
See Attached. Charles gave the Treasurers Report. A motion was made by Alan and second by Roger to accept the February Treasurer’s report subject to audit. Motion passed. There was discussion of looking into other investment options with a higher interest rate for when the two CDs mature later this year.
Town Reports:
Zenobia wanted to stress her neutrality in the struggles in Bloomfield. Alan reported that BATV is still waiting for the connection to Comcast in their new location in the school. Eversource needs to move two poles and Dick is going to try to help move this along by calling Eversource.
East Hartford:
Brenda brought a question from station manager Chuck Treat, who wanted to know why Bolton has an HD channel. Karen and Jenny explained that it was addressed at a recent Meet and Greet for station managers in Bolton. Nick Lavigne’s explanation was a complicated situation unique to Bolton and not something that could be duplicated for other access stations to do the same.
No Report.
Karen reported the SCTV 2019 Annual Report to PURA was filed. Received Interrogatories for Docket 20-01-09; The Public Utilities Regulatory Authority Annual Community Access Support Review. A second docket; Docket 20-01-34, titled: Regional Connecticut Community Access Providers Request for Declaratory Ruling that Every Customer Served by a Multichannel Video Programming Distributor be Counted as a Subscriber under Conn. Gen. Stat. § 16-331a, was also opened.
West Hartford:
Roger reported for Jen that WHCi filed their 2019 annual report. Also mentioned Docket 20-01-34; that internet only subscribers also be counted in the number of PEG subscribers. Jen is going in for surgery in March and will be out for 2 weeks. Their annual fundraiser, Take Five, will be held on March 20 at the Pond House. Check out their auction items. They are participating with Stop & Shop, when a bag is purchased, they receive a donation.
Jenny reported that the Ollies are coming up on March 28, which is a fundraiser and volunteer recognition event. Kid Vid registration has opened and almost sold out. It runs June 22 thru August 7 for various age groups and ranges from $115 to $225.
No report
NOTE:All complete reports appear in the PURA reports available on-line from the PURA.
Frontier/Statewide Advisory Council:
Alan reported that their last meeting was in November. At their meeting it was also suggested to charge subscriber fees for internet only customers, but the discussion framed it as a ‘tax on the internet’.
Committee Reports:
Nominating Committee:
Chair Dave Raney presented the slate of Chairman – Dick Ostop, Vice Chair – Alan Budkofsky, Treasurer – Charles Jackson, Secretary – Brenda Saulnier. A unanimous vote was taken. Karen Handville is the recording secretary/clerk. The nominating committee is Dave, Zenobia and Brenda.
Chairman’s Report: Most memos concerning the PURA are available on the website for the PURA (www.state.ct.us/dpuc/database/htm)
See Attached.
HACTAC e-mail address: hactac.org
Old Business:
Pat wanted to know; how do customers contact HACTAC; A Reminder to stations to please post information on their Community Calendars.
New Business:
Schedule 2020:
March 18, 2020 East Hartford at Savvis
April 15, 2020 Bloomfield
May 20, 2020 Hartford
June 17, 2020 Simsbury
Adjournment: As there was no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Alan and second by Roger to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 8 pm.
Next Meeting and Location:
The next meeting will be in East Hartford at Savvis, 1555 Main St, East Hartford starting at 7:00 pm, dinner at 6pm.