HACTAC Zoom MEETING Nov 15, 2023
Minutes of the HACTAC Nov 15, 2023
Attendance via Zoom: Alan Budkofsky, Patricia Bruhn, Roger Goldbeck, Charles Jackson, Richard Ostop, David Raney, Brenda Saulnier, Matt Skane (late)
Absent: Zenobia Graham-Days, Andrea Seldon, William Stephenson
Guest: Karen Handville, Recording Secretary
Alan called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.
A motion was made by Dick and second by Patricia to accept the Sept 20, 2023 minutes as presented. Motion passed.
Town Reports
Bloomfield: Alan reported local elections brought in new council members.
Simsbury: Dick reported meeting coverage of a recent approval of no smoking in public places. Karen added that SCM aired two hours of local election coverage including live video feeds from both Dem & Rep headquarters during the tallying of results.
West Hartford: Roger reported WHCi team coverage of: CIAC sports, three party election night, workshops on equity & advancement. New WHCi president John Sablon developing a new show Around & About West Hartford. Jen briefed Roger on PURA’s study of Community Access Stations in CT as being inconclusive regarding stations’ future. Page 23 of the study addresses Advisory Councils also, inconclusive.
East Hartford: Brenda reported a lack of volunteers. The station is still located in the community center and will probably stay there even with their equipment located in town hall.
Windsor: Patricia reported a shad derby documentary in the works. After school program is active, podcasting & marketing events.
Hartford: No report.
Treasurer’s Report:
See Attached. Charles provided this summary:
One $50 debit from Hosting CT for domain names. HACTAC.org & HACTAC.com
Ending Balance $7,311.74
One CD shows no interest, Charles to explore at bank.
If we want move money into a higher yield account, the penalty is only a couple dollars.
To have a bank advisor attend our next meeting, it must be an agenda item. Charles to speak with Dick about a bank visit instead.
A motion was made by Roger and seconded by Dave to accept the Treasurer’s report subject to audit. Motion passed.
Statewide Advisory Council: Alan reported the most recent discussions have been about taxes or fees for Internet subscribers, channel consolidation. Meeting attendance has been low, some attending in person others via Zoom.
Chairman’s Report: None
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Comcast: Dick thanked Matt for timely resolution to complaints.
Matt provided the following information:
10G Network Update: Matt suggested watching the video for a lay persons explanation of the technical aspects of this change.
In 2022, Comcast announced it began a nationwide rollout of multi-gig Internet speeds – that will reach more than 50 million homes and businesses before the end of 2025 – making it the largest- and fastest-ever multi-gig deployment in the United States.
Comcast’s significant investment enables us to continually deliver innovative and scalable products and services that provide residents and businesses with the most advanced available technologies. These efforts have enabled us to undertake the nation’s largest and fastest multi-gig rollout and will allow us to deliver symmetrical multi-gig speeds over the connections already in tens of millions of homes, including those in Connecticut. For more information on Comcast’s multi-gig network deployment, see https://corporate.comcast.com/press/releases/comcast-expand-evolve-wifi-largest-multi-gigabit-network.
In the video below, Chief Network Officer Elad Nafshi discusses how the Xfinity 10G Network is taking connectivity technology to the next level – delivering an exceptional experience, ubiquitously, that is fast and reliable with low latency – to meet the demands of customers today, and well into the future.
· Network Video: 10G Network Video
Native American Heritage on Xfinity:
November is Native American Heritage Month. Explore Xfinity’s newest curated collection showcasing Native American and Indigenous TV shows, films, and more available across X1, Flex, Xfinity Stream, and Xumo boxes (content may vary by platform). Our Native American Heritage Month destination highlights content from talent in front of and behind the camera in a special collection that includes selections from community organizations. Our Xfinity collection also has a Kids & Family section with recommendations from Common Sense Media alongside popular TV shows, award-winning movies, documentaries and more.
· To access all of this content and more, just say “Native American Heritage Month” into your Xfinity Voice Remote.
Commitment to Military & Veterans:
Military Times has named us the best employer in our industry and the second overall best employer in the country for veterans and their families! The “Best for Vets” recognizes top-tier companies that consistently prioritize the hiring, retention, and support of military community members, and this marks the eighth consecutive year Comcast NBCUniversal has earned a spot on the list.
· Berlin, CT: Christmas Care Package Event on Saturday, 11/18 – Catherine M. McGee Middle School (899 Norton Rd, Berlin, CT 06037)
o Boxes to Boots website: https://boxestoboots.org/
Xfinity Mobile News:
Beginning November 16th, we are excited to announce this year’s Black Friday sale with huge savings on Xfinity Mobile. From free mobile lines to hundreds off the latest 5G phones, there’s something for everyone. Xfinity Mobile Link.
Adjournment: As there was no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Roger and second by Patricia to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 pm.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting via Zoom, on January 17, 2024 at 7:00 pm.
Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council
September 1, 2023 – September 30, 2023
Webster Bank Checking Account
Beginning Balance $7,361.74
Deposits / Credits $0.00
Withdrawals / Debits -$50.00*
Ending Balance $7,311.74
· Hosting CT automatic payment service fee
Certificate of Deposit
Account Maturity Date Interest Paid This Period Ending Balance
12 Month Certificate 09/04/2024 $0.47 $5,118.00
11 Month Business CD 02/05/2024 $0.26 $6,039.05
Total $0.73 $11,157.05
Prepared By:
_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} ___ _October 15th, 2023_
Charles Windsor Jackson, III Date
Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council
October 1, 2023 – October 31, 2023
Webster Bank Checking Account
Beginning Balance $7,311.74
Deposits / Credits $0.00
Withdrawals / Debits -$00.00
Ending Balance $7,311.74
Certificate of Deposit
Account Maturity Date Interest Paid This Period Ending Balance
12 Month Certificate 09/04/2024 $0.00 $5,118.00*
11 Month Business CD 02/05/2024 $0.25 $6,039.30
Total $0.25 $11,157.30
*No interest Recorded from Bank
Prepared By:
_____{For Signature See Treasurer’s Hard Copy} _______November 15th, 2023_
Charles Windsor Jackson, III Date