Minutes of the HACTAC November 17, 2021


Attendance:  Matt Skane, Alan Budkofsky, Patricia Bruhn, Candace Fisher, Roger Goldbeck, Charles Jackson, Claudette Miller, Richard Ostop, David Raney, Brenda Saulnier, William Stephenson

Station Managers: Jennifer Evans

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.


A motion was made by Alan and second by Dave to accept the September minutes as presented. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report:

See Attached. A motion was made by Roger and second by Dave to accept the September and October Treasurer’s report subject to audit. Motion passed. 

Town Reports

Bloomfield: Alan reported that there are new town council members and a new Mayor that Howard is asking to do interviews with. Hoping to produce PSA messages for BATV.

East Hartford: Brenda reported they are covering what they can. There is new town council and BOE members.

Hartford: No report

Simsbury: Karen reported she has retired as Station Manager at SCTV; a job search is being conducted. SCTV is planning a name change. They are working on the annual fundraising letter. Are planning to submit a new PEGPETIA application. Completed Meet the Candidate videos for the Nov election.

West Hartford: Jen reported that the installation of the cameras at two of the high school fields was completed and are for livestreaming of sporting events. Three hours of Live Election Day coverage was exciting. Veterans Day was a first for Live streaming with a breakfast and concert keeping them busy. The WHCi studio has robotic cameras. The mask mandate has been dropped.

Windsor: Charles reported that WinTV will apply for PEGPETIA funds for new editing computers. They also have a grant application with the Town of Windsor for $10,000. They have limited studio hours. The mask mandate has been lifted. They will offer adult classes in June. New town council and BOE members were sworn in. Patricia added there was a movie being shot in town. Project with the Historical Society for their 125th Anniversary was completed.

COMCAST: Matt reported Internet Essentials Expansion to Federal Pell Grant Recipients – This fall, Comcast announced its expansion of Internet Essentials eligibility to include Federal Pell Grant recipients. In addition, Comcast has pledged to donate $15 million worth of free Internet service and equipment, including more than 25,000 laptops, to low-income students, seniors, veterans, and adults this back-to-school season. Read the press release.

Comcast also made a $5,000 donation to Foodshare which equates to 10,000 meals.

Complaints: Dick reported one phone call complaint which was asked to submit in writing, Dick forwarded to Matt who had a technician resolve the issue.

Committee Reports

Frontier/State Advisory Council: Meeting next month.

Legislative Committee Report: Nothing to report.

Public Relations Committee Report: Nothing to report.

Nominating Committee: Nothing to report.

Chairman’s Report: Very quiet. Towns were busy with their elections. As usual, Comcast submits changes to PURA.

Old Business: None

New Business: Patricia mentioned a CT Post article about Frontier not offering TV service any longer. Charles would like to provide a statement from HACTAC for Alan to bring to the next statewide council meeting in December.

Schedule 2022:

January 19, 2022         6:30 Zoom

March 16, 2022           6:30 Zoom

Adjournment:  As there was no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Candace and second by Alan to adjourn the meeting.  Meeting was adjourned at 7:06 pm.


Next Meeting and Location:

The next meeting will be via Zoom on January 19, 2022 starting at 6:30 pm. 


Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council

September 1, 2021 – September 30, 2021

Webster Bank Checking Account

Beginning Balance           $5,027.96

Deposits / Credits                   $0.00

                                                                                             Withdrawals / Debits              -$245.00

 Ending Balance                $4,782.96

*Check 1846 $195.00 Payment to Karen Handville – Secretary Services

*Invoice 19145 Electronic Payment - $50 HostingCT.com - Web Services

Certificate of Deposit

Account                            Maturity Date          Interest Paid This Period          Ending Balance

                                           12 Month Certificate            09/04/2022                         $0.87                                       $5,107.74

                                           11 Month Business CD         04/05/2022                        $0.26                                       $6,033.02


                                                                                    Total                                               $1.13                                     $11,140.76

               Prepared By: Charles Windsor Jackson, III  October 15, 2021   


Hartford Area Cable Television Advisory Council

October 1, 2021 – October 31, 2021

Webster Bank Checking Account

Beginning Balance           $4,782.96

Deposits / Credits                   $0.00

                                                                                             Withdrawals / Debits                    $0.00

 Ending Balance                $4,782.96


Certificate of Deposit

Account                            Maturity Date          Interest Paid This Period          Ending Balance

                                           12 Month Certificate            09/04/2022                            $0.42                                       $5,108.16

                                          11 Month Business CD         04/05/2022                            $0.24                                       $6,033.26


                                              Total                                                                                        $1.13                                     $11,141.42

Prepared By:  Charles Windsor Jackson, III   November 15, 2021